Mentorship is something that has been on my heart for quite some time. It is also a subject that has emerged in one of my ministry classes. People almost cringe when they hear the word and I just don't know why! Truthfully, we all need a mentor regardless of how old we are. Someone that we can look up to and help keep us on that straight and narrow path!
I have spoken on this subject a few times, and it is never a big hit. But through this current class I have only realized how important it really is, and what exactly it is. Think about this...Jesus mentored the twelve (and then some), those turned around and mentored others, the cycle continued and here we have the Gospel today two thousand years later! Um, wow! Mentorship did all that! It is in a sense the cornerstone of discipleship, so what are we afraid of?
Maybe it is pride. Do we really want to admit that we might need "life help"? Maybe we are too busy. "How could I possibly mentor anyone, I just don't have the time." So what if Jesus said that He didn't have time for us? What if the disciples said they didn't need help? If they did, my word the impact it would have had on us today and not for the better. It is our faith for goodness sake!
There is no shame at all in humbling yourself enough to ask for someone to stand beside you, to give guidance if they see fit. It is actually part of what we are called to do as followers of Christ! I will admit that I was a bit nervous when I learned that as a part of my class I was going to have to do this. I have always been one that has had to stand on my own, and as a defense mechanism I have gotten really good at that. But, in ministry itself I have also learned that doing it on your own leads to a ridiculous amount of stress!
So, I asked a lady who has her own ministry how one might go about finding a mentor. I've learned that it doesn't have to be just one! I have personally chosen to ask two, possibly a third, I am praying about that one. I love what she said...look around you, pray and ask God to guide you, make a decision, check their fruit, and formally ask them to mentor you. She also said not to be discouraged if you don't get the answer that you want, it may not be the right "season" for them! There are more around you than you think. Absolutely check their fruit, this will be a person that you are imitating in a sense so you want to make sure that they are walking in a manner worthy!
We are designed for fellowship, like it or not. We need to know that someone has us, that if we fall, someone is going to catch us. Yes, that is our Awesome God, but He also sends us helpers along the way. Don't be too prideful or busy to recognize them!
🤎 K
Proverbs 27:17
Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another. (ESV)
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