Have you ever been in a situation where you had to go through the day wearing yesterday's dirty clothes? It feels as though you're breaking some sort of clothing law - not a great feeling. The New Testament speaks of putting away the old self and putting on the new. In the original language, it speaks in terms of clothing. It's natural to see your old self as your true identity. The key is to see it in a new way - as clothes - not who you are, but simply what you have worn - no longer you - and not just clothes, but old clothes. If you're born again, you're no longer that old person. It's simply a case of wearing yesterday clothes. The Bible says you are now a beloved child. It's a new day of new beginnings, salvations, and miracles. You just forgot to take off yesterday's clothes. That person you used to be isn't you anymore. It's just a set of old dirty clothes. So by faith and in God's Spirit, start taking off those old clothes today. It's never a good thing to wear yesterday's clothes.
Daily Scripture:
Romans 6:6
We know that our old self was crucified with him in order that the body of sin might be brought to nothing, so that we would no longer be enslaved to sin. (ESV)
Today's Mission:
Today, seek not to do good, but to be good; not to act loving, but to be loving; not to look beautiful, but to become beautiful.
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